The Watcher Cat

The Watcher Cat

Thursday, August 21, 2014

High Praise from a Great Source

I have received a wonderful endorsement for Phineas at Bay:
In writing Phineas at Bay, John Wirenius has done the Trollope-loving world a great service. Phineas Finn was my first Trollope novel, at age 19 or 20, and ever since I think of him as the most charming character in English fiction. Now we have the chance to renew the acquaintance with Phineas later in life, and all of his world, in a novel Trollope himself would have thoroughly enjoyed: meaty, filled with humor, affection, drama, and above all, character – Trollope’s greatest genius and gift to the reading world. Read it at once, and, like all Trollope, again and again.
--Randolph Williams, President, the The American Trollope Society.

I couldn't be more pleased to have received praise form so knowledgeable and discerning a source.

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