Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Anglocat at Sea

Yes, we're doing something different this year for vacation--we are off on a cruise.

La Caterina and I will be on the bounding wave, each of us with books we have long meant to read, relaxing from what has been a very good year, but a tumultuous one. It's a little over a year since I changed jobs, and since Phineas at Bay came out. But since then, there's been so much: speaking at the Trollope Society annual dinner, and finding a good number of Trollopeans who genuinely enjoyed the book, but even bigger than that, a many years long process ended with my ordination to the vocational diaconate. I'm still getting used to it, and never enter St. Barts these days without thinking I've won the jackpot.

But a year of change, even when it's good change, requires some down time. So it's time to unwind; after all
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset,
--admittedly in considerably more comfort than did Ulysses.

I may post while away, but if not, thank you for coming on the prowl with me, and for reading along. See you in September!

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