Monday, February 4, 2013

Another Day in the Diocese

Back in September, I wrote about the consecration of Bishop Andrew Dietsche, who was elected Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of New York. It turns out that the service was recorded for posterity, and has a cameo appearance at the start by a certain feline commenter on ecclesiastical matters:

This Saturday, Bishop Diestche was installed as the 16th bishop of New York. Where I was an acolyte at his consecration, I was, as a postulant, processing among the clergy at this ceremony. Fortunately, my good friend Tim Martin, a photographer whose work I greatly admire, was on the case, creating a record:

It was my third time forming part of the procession at the Cathedral, and my second as a postulant. The experience has been awe-inspiring each time--making me feel at once honored to be a small part of this Diocese, and privileged to observe its history taking place. I post a fair amount of political stuff, silliness, and maybe even sometimes veer into the sardonic. Let me avow that the joy I am finding pursuing this calling is dissolving much of the shell two decades in the hurly-burly of the law helped me build. It is impossible to even affect, let alone take, a nil admirari view of life when surrounded by so many admirable people as I have found among the clergy and laity of the Diocese of New York.

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