Saturday, October 27, 2012

So How's By You?

So, I've been away for a day and a half, at the 2012 Deacon's Conference, and I have to say it was a great opportunity to get to know my fellow postulants a little better, but even more so to get to know the deacons within the Diocese. The variety of professions (after all, deacons are non-stipendiary!), backgrounds, and stories was inspiring to me, especially as every one of the deacons I met or got to know better was someone I could identify with.

Every one of the deacons I met displayed a profound desire to reach out to those on the margins--the poor, the sick, prisoners, the deaf (learned a lot about the Episcopal Church's tradition of outreach and service to the deaf this weekend!).

And a desire to do it in love, as a manifestation of the love of God from which we ourselves have benefitted from.

They're an impressive crew, the members of this Order to which I aspire. Funny, pragmatic, warm. It felt like being welcomed home, I'm glad to say.

I'm profoundly honored to be associated with these good people.

Meanwhile, my author's copies of Command and Coercion have arrived, including the full issue. It's been a long time coming, and the final version is much better than the working paper; I've never had better editing in an article, and the questions pressed me to clarify my thoughts and to refine my arguments. I am very pleased to have it out in the world.

All in all, a pretty good weekend.

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